編號 |
文獻標題 |
181 | Sandwith, T., C. Shine, L. Hamilton and D. Sheppard (2001) Transboundary Protected Areas for Peace and Co-operation. Based on the proceedings of workshops held in Bormio (1998) and Gland (2000). IUCN-The World Conservation Union. 111pp. |
182 | Schuttenberg H, et al. (2006) Building resilience into coral reef management: key findings and recommendations. Summary prepared for the conference proceedings of the International Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management Symposium 2006, Cozumel, Mexico; see |
183 | Sherman K (1990) Large marine ecosystem as global units for management: an ecological perspective. ICES CM 1990/L: 24 |
184 | Sherman K, Aquarone MC (2004) UNEP Regional Seas Programme Linked with Large Marine Ecosystems Assessment and Management (brochure). Boston: LME Program Office. |
185 | Short FT, Coles RG (2003) Global Seagrass Research Methods. Elsevier, The Netherlands. |
186 | Soeparjadi, R.A., Valachi, L.Z., Sosromihardjo, S. (1985) Oil and gas in Far East in 1984. AAPG Bull. 69, 1780–1855. |
187 | Talaue-McManus L (2000) Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the South China Sea. EAS/RCU Technical Report Series No. 14. UNEP, Bangkok, Thailand. http://www.cobsea.org/documents/Transboundary_Diagnostic_Analysis.pdf |
188 | Taylor, B. and Hayes, D. E. (1980) The tectonic evolution of the South China Basin: In the tectonic and geologic evolution of southeast Asian Seas and islands, edited by D. E. Hayes. Geophys. Monoqr., 23, 89-104. Amer. Geophys. Union, Washington D. C. |
189 | The Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation http://www.waddensea-secretariat.org/trilat/trilat.html |
190 | The Western Australian Seagrass Web Page (2005) http://www.bsb.murdoch.edu.au/groups/seagrass/ |
191 | Tkachenko KS, Wu BJ, Fang LS, Fan TY. (2007) Dynamics of a coral reef community after mass mortality of branching Acropora corals and an outbreak of anemones. Mar Biol 151:185-194. |
192 | 《Trilateral Wadden Sea Plan》也稱為《Stade Declaration》1997.10 published by Common Wadden Sea Secretariat |
193 | Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Program http://www.waddensea-secretariat.org/TMAP/Monitoring.html |
194 | Townsend-Gault I (1998) Preventive Diplomacy and ProActivity in the South China Sea" Contemporary Southeast Asia 20(2) |
195 | UNEP & WCMC (2008) National and Regional Networks of Marine Protected Areas: A review of Progress |
196 | UNEP (2004) Seagrass in the South China Sea. UNEP/GEF/SCS Technical Publication No. 3. |
197 | UNEP (2008) National Reports on Seagrass in the South China Sea. UNEP/GEF/SCS Technical Publication No. 12. |
198 | Van Woesik R. (1994) Contemporary disturbances to coral communities of the Great Barrier Reef. J Coast Res 12:233-252. |
199 | Van Ypersele, J P(2009) Climate Change Reality: 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius? Life or death for Tuvalu? Http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/12/13/813751/-Climate-Change-Reality-:-1.5-or-2-degrees-Celsius-Life-or-death-for-Tuvalu (瀏覽日期:2009年12月) |
200 | Valencia MJ, van Dyke JM (1999) Oil and the lack of it in the South China Sea.(includes reply)(response to article by Ian Townsend-Gault, Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol 20, no 2, Aug 1998) Contemporary Southeast Asia 21(1):153 |